Environmental impacts audit for the quarry at Ssemuto
Consultancy services for EIA involving environmental aspects and field investigations including assessment and analysis. The audit and environment monitoring activities include: monitoring the physical and biological Environment (current state versus previous); description of Social Environment (current state versus previous); legal and Institutional Aspects regarding mitigation measures and effectiveness of interventions taken; environmental Impacts (air and noise pollution) mitigations and their effectives; Mitigation Measures, Monitoring and Recommendations for Project affected persons
Environmental impact assessment for the quarry at Masindi
Consultancy services for EIA involving identification of environmental aspects and field investigations including assessment and analysis . The services offered include: Description of Physical and Biological Environment, Social Environment, Legal and Institutional Aspects, Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, Monitoring and Recommendations
Waki HPP-Power market studies and Load-flow Analysis
Consultancy services for baseline studies, energy demand in region, peak power demand, and conducting a load-flow analysis for the 4.5MW Waki hydropower project [wp-is3dphoto]
Hydropower Feasibility Study-Hydrological analysis and power/energy estimations
Consultancy services for feasibility and hydrological studies of the proposed mini-hydropower projects located on river Mitano, Esia and Ndugutu; including plans for interconnecting/evacuation power lines to the national grid
Institutional Hybrid Solar System at Kolping Office-Hoima
Consultancy services for System Design, procurement and installation supervision and training for the Hybrid automatic 72x120Wp Solar PV system for Kolping society offices in Hoima. Services Provided: • ...
Buseruka HPP Commissioning and Synchronization
JW Technologies Limited was contracted by Hydromax Limited developers of the 9MW Buseruka Hydro Power Plant to offer technical assistance and engineering expertise for the commissioning of power plant, synchronization ...
Institutional Hybrid Solar System at Kampala Kolping Hotel
Consultancy services for System Design, procurement, installation and training for the Hybrid automated and building integrated 9x130Wp Solar PV system for Kolping Hotel in Kampala Services offered ...
Hybrid Power system for NILE SEC Campus
Consultancy services for Energy audit, System design and engineering services, plus tendering and construction supervision and training for the power supply improvement and UPS power system for the Nile-SEC campus ...
Buseruka HPP
Consultancy services to conduct Baseline Survey, Design and EIA for 33kV power transmission line and environs from the 9MW Buseruka Hydro Power Plant. Services offered included: • socio-economic ...
Buseruka HPP
Network studies and voltage and transient stability studies including technical assistance in plant commissioning and interconnection to the national grid at Kinubi-Hoima substation plus development of proposals for for grid ...