We offer services for feasibility studies, engineering design, procurement assistance, construction supervision and project management for the following fields:
- Power generation from Solar-Photovoltaics (standalone and grid-connected power plants), Hydropower, Biomass (Wood residues and Biogasification), Wind energy
- Power transmission and Distribution (132kV, 33kV, 11kV, 415/240V voltage standards)
- Rural electrification including medium and low voltage networks as well as customer service connections
- Hybrid and Standalone mini-grid power supply schemes for isolated remote communities
- Network studies, Dynamic and Transient stability study for power networks and distributed power generation systems
- Energy efficiency, Power audits and retrofits for power factor correction
- Electrical installations for factories, commercial buildings and Residential houses
- Power market studies, Energy economics and financial analysis
- Solar-thermal technology for related applications like water heating for domestic, institutional and commercial applications
- Power backup and Uni-interruptible Power Supply systems based on online technology for commercial buildings, institutions and Residential houses
Example-1: Hydropower development and implementation

ASTER INTEGRAL was contracted by Hydromax Limited to provide various consulting services for feasibility study of the 33kV evacuation power transmission line for 9MW Buseruka HPP, including engineering design of Kinubi-substation extension. We also provided services for Network studies, loadflow analysis, dynamic and Transient stability studies, commissioning protocols for the plant as well as specialized rural electrification planning within the project area of Buseruka-Hoima.
ASTER INTEGRAL is also providing expert services for power market studies, Network studies, load-flow analysis, dynamic and transient stability studies; and technical assistance in PPA negotiations for the proposed 4.5MW Waki HPP being implemented by Hydromax (Nkusi) Limited.
Example-2: Solar PV systems (commercial, institutional, Residential and grid connected systems)

ASTER INTEGRAL was contracted by Emerging Power FZC/Z-One Holding of UAE to provide specialized services for the 15MWp grid-connected solar power plant, proposed at Bufulubi-Mayuge district.
Our staffs are assisting Newplan Limited in construction supervision of the 635kWp hybrid solar plant being implemented by KIS, at Kalangala-Bugala Island on lake Victoria.
We have also implemented several commercial and institutional solar-PV projects for hybrid power supply to Kolping offices in Hoima, Kampala-Kolping Hotel at Kampala; Nile Guest House in Njeru town council, together with a large number of institutions/schools in Mukono, Mityana, Gulu, Lira, and urban homes in Kiwatule, Naguru and Wakiso district.
We offer services for feasibility studies, engineering design, procurement assistance, construction supervision and project management for the following fields:
- Solar-water pumping, for water needs ranging between 1m3/day to over 300m3/day powering small DC pumps and large-three phase AC pumps with electric motors requiring over 30kW power.
- Piped water supply schemes for small towns and rural growth centres
- Back-up support for operation and maintenance as well as specialized training and capacity building for water scheme operators
Example-1: ERT-Water Project

29.0kWp with a 22kW 3-phase AC auto-pump drive solar-water pumping system at Anaka, Kaabong and Koboko, Northern Uganda, delivering over 150m3/day. Aster Integral was contracted by Ministry of Water and Environment/DWD-Rural Water program to provide consulting services for technical planning, feasibility study, engineering design, tendering support and construction supervision and managed implementation of 33 such facilities in small towns in Northern Uganda, WestNile and Northeastern Uganda under ERT-II Water project, financed by World-Bank-IDA credit/ GEF Grants and NORDIC Development Fund
Example-2: Solar-powered mini-piped water project for rural areas in Uganda

Aster Integral was contracted by Ministry of Water and Environment/DWD-Rural Water program to provide consulting services for technical planning, feasibility study, engineering design, tendering support and construction supervision for decentralized piped water supply schemes for 60 rural centers in Uganda under AfDB financing
We offer services for environment impact assessments for the following specialized facilities:
- Small Hydropower plants
- HV Power Transmission lines
- MV Power distribution lines
- MW-Range solar-PV grid connected plants
- Decentralized power generation plants, stone quaries and factories

Aster Integral is assisting Emerging Power FZC of UAE to carry out the ESIA for the proposed 15MWp solar plant proposed for Myanzi-Kiganda area and Mayuge area to be implemented on 250acres of land at Bufulubi village
Aster Integral was contracted by Hydromax limited to carry out the ESIA for the 46km Power line evacuating the 9MW generated from Buseruka HPP; including the update of the Environmental Statement for the Hydropower site
Aster Integral was also contracted by DOTT Services to carry out ESAI for the Masindi Stone Quarry as well as carry out the Environment audit for the Ssemuto stone Quarry
Combined with our Sociology, Statistics, Economics and Monitoring & Evaluation teams, We offer specialized advisory services in the field of water and energy related to the following topics:
- Socio-economic studies
- Baseline studies
- Market studies for water and energy
- Eligibility assessment and technical appraisal studies
- Performance assessment studies
- Impacts assessment studies
- Independent verifications and audits
- Monitoring and evaluation of Water and Energy projects
- Training, Capacity building and institutional support services

Aster Integral was contracted by Hydromax (Nkusi) Limited to provided services for Socio-economic and Power Market studies during the feasibility of the 4.5MW Waki Hydropower plant.
Aster Integral as also provided baseline studies, eligibility studies, performance assessments and impacts studies for the 33 Water supply schemes implemented under the ERT-II Water project; as well as for the 60-rural water schemes to be implemented under the solar-powered mini-piped water supply project.
We are also providing specialized consulting services to MWE/DWD-Urban Water program; for the management of the O&M framework contracts for back-up support to sustainable operation of 51-solar water schemes in Northern, NorthEast and Western Uganda.
Innovation products under promotion
This is a concept in which the solar engineers at Aster-Integral have packaged sustainable energy-water supply solutions that relieve a home-owner in the urban or peri-urban areas from high un-fair utility bills. The technology saves a domestic home owner nearly 90% of all utility bills, and offers nearly 99% energy and water supply reliability at affordable one-time costs. Operation and maintenance of these facilities is almost zero cost, with no need for human operator, and very limited repairs.
The Concept once implemented ensures that the utility services for electricity (such as from UMEME) and water (such as from NWSC) only act as backup in cases when nature has dictated. Energy and water supply all depend on the abundant God-given solar energy (sunshine) and rain.

Energy supply: Solar-Panels are used to supply electricity/heat to the household fully integrated, and automated in hybrid with the Utility power supply. System is maintenance free and requires no human operator.
Water supply: Rain water is harvested and stored in surface or underground tank. The water is then pumped to an over head tank using a solar-powered pump. Energy to the pump is supplied by the same solar system that was installed originally. No need for a new system unless otherwise specified by the engineer. (See separate brochure for details)
Solar supported drip irrigation system for agri-business. Size of Solar system: 240Wp, delivering 6,000liters per day, enough to irrigate 3 acres of land.